Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sources, Benefits and Risks of Vitamins

Here is a list of the sources, benefits, and potential risks of vitamins:

Vitamin A: Beta-Carotene; Retinol

Supplemental vitamin A should be consumed as beta-carotene, which is a precursor (manufacturer) of vitamin A.

Best sources: Sunflower green sprouts, green leafy vegetables, chia sprouts, sea vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables.

Major symptoms of vitamin A deficiency: Night blindness, dryness of various parts of the eye, and blindness.

Major symptoms of vitamin A toxicity: Liver damage, irritability, weakness, diminished menstrual bleeding, and psychiatric disorders.

Vitamin B1: Thiamin; Thiamine

Best sources: Wheatgrass, sprouted sweet potato, sprouted peas, sprouted corn, and raw sauerkraut.

Major symptoms of B1 deficiency: Beriberi, headaches, irritability, fatigue, lethargy, and neurological diseases.

Major symptoms of B1 toxicity: Allergic reactions.

Vitamin B2: Riboflavin (Formerly Cited as Vitamin G)

Best sources: Cabbage sprouts, kamut grass, raw corn, buckwheat-green sprouts, and corn sprouts.

Major symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency: Soreness of the mouth and tongue, dermal and genital rashes, neuropathy, and anemia.

Major symptoms of vitamin B2 toxicity: Possible increase of tumor growth (and possible additional complications therefore).

Vitamin B3: Niacin (Nicontinamide; Nicontinic Acid)

Best sources: Sprouted wheat, spelt, kamut grasses, sea kelp, and dulse.

Major symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency: Circulatory and cardiovascular disease.

Major symptoms of vitamin B3 toxicity: Burning, itching, headache, nausea, vomiting, duodenal ulcers, and liver failure.

Vitamin B5: Pantothenic Acid; Calcium Panthothenate

Best sources: Pecans, sprouted sesame seeds, avocado, organic apples, and apricot seeds.

Major symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency: Respiratory infection, fatigue, cardiac irregularities, gastrointestinal complications, rashes, staggering, muscle cramps, and disorientation.

Major symptoms of vitamin B5 toxicity: Diarrhea and water retention.

Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine; Pyridoxal; Pyridoxamine

Best sources: Sprouted sweet potato, cabbage, sprouts, wheagrass, sprouted mango seed, and Brussels sprouts.

Major symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency: Rashes, seizures, carpal tunnel syndrome, and anemia.

Major symptoms of vitamin B6 toxicity: Unsteadiness, muscle weakness, and systemic weakness.

Vitamin B12 (Considered a probiotic): Cobalamine; Cobalamin; Cyanocobalamine; hydroxocobalamin

Best sources: Blue-green algae, raw tempeh, raw sauerkraut, organic green vegetable juice, and wheatgrass. Supplement is needed daily.

Major symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency: Pernicious anemia, sometimes causing unpleasant internal electrical impulses permeating the lips, nose, and extremities; susceptibility to colds and other infections; bruising; and impaired blood clotting.

Major symptoms of vitamin B12 toxicity: Allergic reactions and rashes.

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