Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Health Benefits of Soy


The antioxidant properties of isoflavones may help LDL (“bad”) cholesterol resist oxidation and prevent free radical damage to DNA. Antioxidants may also defend against cancer. Studies show that genestein has greater antioxidant activities than the other isoflavones. Genestein may also increase the production of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase.

Bone Health

Researchers around the world are excited about soy’s ability to strengthen bones, increase bone mass and prevent osteoporosis. Soy is a great dietary source of calcium, and calcium is essential for healthy bones and proper development of the musculoskeletal system. Additionally, genistein and daidzein appear to inhibit the breakdown of bones. One study showed that soy isoflavones helped fortify bones found in the lumbar spine and also prevented the development of dowager’s hump, which is commonly seen in postmenopausal women. Another study showed that genistein was equal to prescription doses of estradiol for retaining bone mineral mass.

Heart Health

Numerous studies have shown that soy and soy isoflavones can benefit the cardiovascular system in many ways. And so impressive are its heart-healthy attributes that in 2000, the FDA allowed soy food products to carry a health claim stating that soy is effective in fighting coronary heart disease. While results have been mixed, there is promising research surrounding both genistein and daidzein and their complementary effect in fighting heart disease.

Reducing Cholesterol Levels

It is well established in controlled trials that increased soy protein intake has the potential to lower LDL-cholesterol levels and thus may also reduce the risk of heart disease, particularly in postmenopausal women.

Even More Health Benefits

Aside from the benefits surrounding hormone-related conditions in women, heart disease and cancer, soy and its principal components are showing promise in helping other areas, including the following:

Fighting bacterial and fungal infections
Acting as a diuretic
Improving kidney function
Relieving effect of type 2 diabetes
Preventing gallstones

The Bottom Line

Soy is a nutritious, affordable and widely available source of complete protein. The fact that soy may provide so many more health benefit is all the more reason to add soy to our daily diet.

Soy Fast Facts

Uses and Benefits: Soy is a natural, meat-free source of complete protein. Soy may also provide nutritive support for women’s health and cardiovascular health.
Sources: Soy foods include tofu, soy milk, natto, tempeh, miso and soy sauce. Soy protein powder is widely available, as are supplements containing soy extracts.
Special Considerations: Soy and soy foods are widely considered to be safe. However in some cases soy isoflavones have been reported to impair thyroid activity. Discuss any concerns you may have with your physician before increasing the amount of soy in your diet.

USANA Products SoyaMax is not only a great source of protein, it is naturally low glycemic and has only one gram of fat per serving as well as other USANA Vitamins.

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