Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Pronounced “Sammy”, SAMe is a chemical that is sold as a dietary supplement (and, in Europe, as a prescription medication) and has been studied extensively as a possible treatment for osteoarthritis and depression. Short for S-adenosyl methionine, SAMe is produced naturally, and small amounts are found in virtually every part of the body.

SAMe plays a role in the immune system and helps produce and break down mood-controlling brain chemicals such as serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. It also participates in making cartilage, a tough tissue that connects to the bones, lines the joints, and helps provide structure to the body.

However, the body produces less SAMe as it ages, and scientists believe that taking a supplement of the chemical may help fight the symptoms of certain conditions and diseases. It may help alleviate pain from osteoarthritis. Preliminary research also suggests that SAMe also has potential for treating mild to moderate depression and seems to begin working more quickly and just as effectively as antidepressant medications without the side effects frequently associated with these drugs, such as headaches, sleeplessness, and sexual dysfunction. It is not clear how SAMe relieves depression, so doctors advise against taking it at the same time as antidepressants. More research about is safety and effectiveness, especially over long periods of time, is needed.

SAMe is most widely available as capsules, although injections have also been studied in clinical trials. It appears safe in doses of up to 1,600 milligrams a day, for up to 6 weeks. Side effects may include nausea, skin rashes, dry mouth, or a hot sensation or itchiness of the ear. This supplement may lower blood sugar levels, and patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia should use SAMe with caution.

1. Early studies suggest that SAMe may also be helpful in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, fibromyalgia, and cholestasis – a buildup of bile in the liver.

2. SAMe also occurs in plants and other animals.

3.Although SAMe is often marketed as a “natural” cure for depression and arthritis, it is in fact a synthetic version of a chemical made in the body. Some experts believe that this makes it a drug, not a supplement, and that it should be regulated as a drug.


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, the body’s second-largest organ (after the skin), which plays an important role in metabolism and detoxification. The illness is most often caused by a viral infection, but drugs, alcohol, toxic chemicals, and physical trauma can also be to blame. Currently, there are seven known types of hepatitis viruses, labeled from A to G. Hepatitis A, E, and F are transmitted when people consume contaminated food or water, while B, C, D, and G are spread through blood or other bodily fluids.

Of these even viruses, A, B, and C are the most common, affecting 5 to 10 percent of Americans. Hepatitis A (HVA) is found in fecal matter and is usually spread through drinking contaminated water, eating raw shellfish, or consuming food made by someone who didn’t wash his or her hands after using the restroom. HVA usually lasts for 4 to 6 weeks, and usually there’s no permanent damage. Hepatitis B (HVB) and hepatitis C (HVC) most often are spread through sexual contact and sharing contaminated hypodermic needles. Both of these viruses can lead to chronic hepatitis, long-term inflammation that can lead to permanent liver damage, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. In fact, HVC is the number one cause of liver transplants in the United States. Vaccines are available for HVA and HVB. Most children and adults are administered HVB vaccines, while the HVA vaccine is recommended for people who are traveling to countries with a prevalence of hepatitis, have other forms of liver disease, or have high-risk careers, such as those in health care.

But no matter which virus is involved, the symptoms of hepatitis are the same: vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite, lasting anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. If the illness Is not treated promptly, chemicals in the body that are normally secreted by the liver can led to jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes), a bitter taste in the mouth, bad breath, and dark urine. More severe cases can evolve into fulminant hepatitis, a dangerous form of the disease that develops quickly and can cause severe liver failure and impaired kidney function.

1. The word hepatitis is derived from the word hepar (“liver”) and the suffix-itis (“inflammation”).

2. The liver weights about 3 pounds in adults.

3. Even tiny amounts of the hepatitis A virus can transmit the disease.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Antioxidants are substances that bolster your immune system by protecting you from the harmful effects of oxygen released by chemical reactions in your body. The name antioxidants stems from their ability to help prevent and possibly even repair the damage caused by the process of oxidation.

Oxidative damage occurs either when your body breaks down food, creating oxygen, or when you’re exposed to environmental toxins, such as tobacco smoke and radiation. This damage causes your cells to stop functioning properly. Over time, the harm to the cells becomes irreversible and lead to illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

You can prevent oxidative damage by making sure your diet includes antioxidant substances, such as beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E. These compounds are found in many of the foods that you probably already eat, such as fruits and vegetables; nuts; grains; some meats, poultry, and fish; and even red wine. Foods containing antioxidants should be eaten at every meal for the maximum benefit. Since the process of digestion causes the oxidative process, the best way to combat the damage is to have antioxidants – either from food or from supplements taken daily – already in your bloodstream when you’re eating.

Additional Facts

1. The antioxidants in a daily glass of red wine may help prevent the development of certain cancers. The same benefit has not been shown from having a daily glass of white wine, beer, or liquor.

2. The brain is vulnerable to oxidative damage. As a result, antioxidants are commonly used in medications to treat brain injuries and are being investigated as medications for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

3. The antioxidant process is similar to stopping at cut apple from browning aft4er it’s been exposed to the air. If you dip a cut apple in orange juice, which contains the antioxidant vitamin C, it will stop the oxidation process and the apple’s flesh will stay white.

4.As many as 30 percent of Americans take antioxidant supplements.

Green Tea

For as long as 5,000 years, people have consumed tea leaves steeped in boiling water. But tea – and green tea, especially – is much more than just a beverage: Studies suggest that it may aid in weight loss, reduce cholesterol levels, and even help treat or prevent cancer. Once available only as a drink, green tea is now available as an extract in capsule form and is an ingredient in weight-loss and energy supplements, and even topical beauty treatments.

Green tea is made from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, as white, black, and oolong teas. The difference is in the processing: Green and white teas are made from unfermented leaves and contain in the highest concentrations of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant. (Herbal and rooibos teas aren’t really teas at all, but are made from different mixtures of plants). One of the most powerful antioxidants in green tea is called epigallocatencin gallate, or EGCG. Tea also contains caffeine (although white and green teas have two to three times less than black, and all teas have significantly less caffeine than an equal serving of coffee), which contributes to its ability to improve alterness.

Traditionally valued in China and India for its properties as a stimulant and diuretic, modern medicine has shown that green tea can also boost mental processing. Research also suggests that it can slow the growth of some cancers and benign skin tumors; increase metabolism and help burn fat; and reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Most research has studied the impact of 1 to 10 cups of green tea a day, and the beverage is safe for most adults when used in these quantities. However, people taking blood-thinning medications may find that the vitamin K in green tea makes their treatments less effective. For those taking does of green tea in capsule form, a few cases of liver problems have also been reported.

Additional Facts

1. It is suspected (but not proven) that green tea and EGCG may help protect against sun damage, so they are now popular ingredients in sunscreens and other skin-care products.

2. Early research using a green tea combination product was thought to have shown some success in helping women conceive, although more research on green tea alone needs to be done.

3. When sold as a beverage, green tea is often classified by the region in which it was grown. The most expensive varieties from southwest China can cost up to $150 a pound.

With USANA’s unique formulation, Proflavanol® and triplestrength Proflavanol® 90 bioflavonoid supplements combine the highest quality grape-seed extract with the free-radical quenching power of exclusive USANA VITAMINS Poly C, giving you an important tool in the quest for lifelong good health. Laboratory studies done at USANA confirm that, when used together, these ingredients provide significantly better protection against the oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins (LDL) than would be predicted from the sum of their individual effects. Not only do proanthocyanidins neutralize free radicals, they also conserve and regenerate vitamins C and E.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Carbohydrates are one of the three major kinds of foods, along with proteins and fats. Your saliva, stomach, and liver break down carbohydrates into glucose, which is the simplest type of sugar and the form in which sugar circulates in the bloodstream. This sugar gives your body’s cells the energy they need to function properly.

Carbohydrates are either simple or complex, depending on how quickly your body digests them. Fruits, milk products, and refined sugar provide simple carbohydrates that are digested quickly. Whole grain breads and cereals, starchy vegetables, and legumes are made up of complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly.

Foods like soda, candy, and cake, which contain refined carbohydrates such as white flour and added sugar, have high calorie counts and cause rapid changes in blood sugar. These are simple carbohydrates and are sometimes referred to as bad carbs. It’s a good idea to limit these food choices.

Generally, complex carbohydrates are healthier food options than simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, and some simple carbohydrates, including fruit and milk products, are sometimes referred to as good carbs, because they contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You should emphasize these nutrient-rich carbohydrates in your diet for optimal health.

Additional Facts

1. Your body either uses glucose immediately or stores it in your liver and muscles for later use.

2. The term whole grains refers to grains that contain all the parts of the grain seed or kernel, including the dietary fiber and other important nutrients. Refined grains are produced when manufacturers process whole grains in ways that remove some of the dietary fiber, folic acid, and iron. Enriched grains are refined grains, such as white rice and white bread, that have had the folic acid and iron added back. Fortified grains are enriched grains that have extra nutrients added.

3. Date sugar and dark brown sugars are good alternatives to white sugar, as they contain much higher levels of antioxidants.

Each serving of USANA Nutrimeal contains 8 grams of dietary fiber, which can help maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system. Soy protein is a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids in optimal ratios and in a highly digestible form. Try the rich flavor of USANA Dutch Chocolate for breakfast, or any time you want a healthy meal you shake!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for good health. Your body needs this vitamin to develop and maintain healthy teeth, skin, skeletal and soft tissues, and mucous membranes. Vitamin A creates the pigments in the retina of the eye and is needed for good vision. It may also be critical to breastfeeding and reproduction. It’s recommended that males ages 14 and older take in 900 micrograms of vitamin A daily and that females age 14 and older get 700 micrograms a day.

You can obtain vitamin A by eating meat, kidneys, liver, codfish, halibut, fish oil, eggs, cheese, cream, while milk, and some fortified foods. However, most of these foods are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Your body can also produce vitamin A when you eat carotenoids, which are dark-colored dyes found in plant foods. One of the most common carotenoids is beta-carotene, which is found in apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, pink grapefruit, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and most dark green, leafy vegetables. These sources of beta-crarotene do not have fat or cholesterol and are healthier options for ensuring that you take in adequate amounts of vitamin A.

The best way to get your daily requirement of vitamin A is to eat a balanced diet. If you are vitamin A deficient, you’re more susceptible to infectious diseases and vision problems. But if you consume too much vitamin A, you can also become sick.

Vitamin A poisoning occurs when an adult takes several hundred thousand international units of the vitamins. Large doses of vitamin A taken during pregnancy can cause birth defects, and babies and children can become sick after taking smaller doses of vitamin A or products that contain it, such as retinol. Eating too many foods that contain beta-carotene, such as carrots, can temporarily turn your skin yellow or orange.

Additional Facts

• Women who are pregnant or brestfeeding should check with their doctors about taking vitamin A.
• Children need different daily amounts of vitamin A based on their ages.
• Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A and are used to treat skin disorders such as acne.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Turmeric and Arthritis

Arthritis, or joint inflammation, causes pain and limits movement. There are more than 100 types of arthritis, all of which involve degeneration of the cartilage that normally protects joints. Often, arthritis is caused by injury, infection or wear and tear. Sometimes, as in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, it is caused by autoimmune responses in which the body attacks its own cells.

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, some researchers have considered turmeric as a potential treatment for arthritis. In 2006, researchers at the Center for Phytomedicine Research at the University of Arizona used turmeric to treat rats with symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the rats received treatment before the onset of symptoms, and some of the rats after. The researchers found that an extract containing primarily curcuminoids (including curcumin) reduced joint swelling, but only when treatment was given before the onset of symptoms. The researchers concluded that curcuminoids are responsible for turmeric’s antiarthritic action.

Where to Get Your Turmeric

Turmeric is available in capsules, liquid extracts and tinctures – even in teas, thanks to the spice’s growing popularity. Many turmeric supplements contain bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple that improves the absorption and anti-inflammatory action of curcumin. For those using supplements, alternative health guru Dr. Andrew Weil recommends 400 to 600 milligrams of turmeric extract three times a day. Or, you can skip the pills and bottles and simply enjoy more curries and Indian food. Whichever route you take, your body is sure to thank you.

The Bottom Line

Turmeric is a delicious and widely available spice with numerous health benefits. Whether you take it as a supplement or use it to spice up your diet, turmeric provides a healthy dose of antioxidants that may help prevent or provide relief for chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cardiovascular disease and more. There’s a reason cultures around the world have used turmeric for thousands of years – so go ahead and have another dish of curry.

Turmeric Fast Facts

Uses and Benefits: Turmeric may reduce inflammation and cholesterol; relieve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis and cystic fibrosis; prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease; and support liver and cardiovascular function.

Sources: Turmeric is a common spice and is featured prominently in curries and many Middle Eastern cuisines. Turmeric supplements are available as capsules, liquids, tinctures and teas.

Special Considerations: Look for supplements with bromelain, which may increase absorption and improve the anti-inflammatory action of curcumin.

Turmeric is generally considered safe and nontoxic. Some people may experience allergic reactions to turmeric, including skin irritation and ana-phylaxis, though such reactions are rare.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The mangosteen is a small purple fruit, roughly the size and shape of a medium tomato, that grows throughout Southeast Asia. Slicing open a mangosteen reveals a deep red rind, called the pericarp, about half an inch think, which protects the white segmented flesh and the black seeds at the fruit’s heart. It is the pericarp, dried and powdered, that has been used in traditional medicine systems throughout Singapore, India and China.

The deep red color of the mangosteen’s pericarp indicates its rich content of polyphenolic antioxidants such as catechins and tannins. Unfortunately, these antioxidants are extremely astringent, and their high concentration makes the pericarp practically inedible. Although the pectin-rich pericarp has been made into an edible jelly in some countries, it must first be soaked in a 6 percent brine solution to reduce its astringency and increase its palatability. In addition to polyphenols, the pericarp contains xanthones, phenolic plant compounds that may have antitumor, antibacterial and fungicidal properties.

Nutritional Benefits of Mangosteen


Mangosteen pericarp is extremely rich in catechins. Catechins are polyphenols, phytochemicals with significant antioxidant activity. Catechins are realted to tannins, the chemicals that cause your mouth to pucker when eating unripe fruit, and have found their calim to fame in green tea. They are also found in abundance in grapes, wine and chocolate. In addition their antioxidant ability, catechines are known for their potential to reduce body fat, and the National Cancer Institute reports that catechins may even help prevent cancer. An average mangosteen pericarp contains 50 to 60 milligrams of catechins, the same amount found in 100 grams of dark chocolate.

Xanthones: Promising Superheroes

Like catechins, xanthones are polyphenols. Mangosteen pericarp si rich in mangostin, a xanthone with antibacterial, fungicidal and antitumor properties. In 1995, researchers showed that mangostin can inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which is implicated in plaque formation in atherosclerosis.

Mangosteen and Your Health

Cancer Research

Research suggests that mangosteen may someday play a role in cancer treatment and prevention. In 2002, the journal Planta Medica published the results of a study in which researchers in Taipei studied the effects of six mangosteen-derived xanthones on human cancer cells. The researchers reported that a xanthone derivative called garcinone E killed lung, liver and gastric cancer cells. In 2004, Japanese researchers reported that mangostin derived from mangosteen pericarp induced apoptosis (cell death) in leukemia cells.

Antibacterial Properties

In 1996, Japanese researchers conducted an in vitro study on the antibacterial activity of xanthones and found that xanthones inhibited antibiotic-resistant strains of the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, the most common cause of staph infections.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Look Your Best with MyHealthPak™: Beauty Edition

No matter your age, you want to look your best. But looking your best on the outside means taking care of yourself on the inside. After all, beauty is more than skin deep. That’s why USANA created the MyHealthPak™: Beauty Edition.

Are you concerned with getting essential nutrition for good health while maintaining a youthful appearance with radiant skin, strong nails, and shiny hair? Take the guesswork out of deciding which products to order! The Beauty Edition of USANA MyHealthPak gives you the nutrition you need to look great and feel great with ingredients scientifically proven to benefit skin, hair, and nails, as well as protect against oxidative stress, which damages cells and impacts health and appearance.

Why can’t I buy a bottle of supplements from my local store?

Many of the nutrients in the MHP: Beauty Edition work synergistically to provide benefits that wouldn’t occur if taken alone, or if you took other supplements. The nutrients in this pack are able to work together to provide excellent skin support. Not only is the Beauty Edition a product for beauty, but it also supports good health with optimal levels of important nutrients, including high-potency vitamin D in Mega Antioxidant and a powerful blend of grape-seed extract found in USANA Vitamins Proflavanol® 180.

And of course, MHP: Beauty Edition is packed with the USANA Difference—safe, pure, effective, and potency guaranteed. Why would you trust anyone else? Take your beauty into your own hands today.

Add the MyHealthPak: Beauty Edition to your Autoship today and save!

Beauty starts from within—the science behind the supplements

MyHealthPak: Beauty Edition contains a special blend of nutrients working together in perfect harmony. Science and skin care—it’s a beautiful thing!

BiOmega™ (AM/PM)—Omega-3 fatty acids support the skin’s natural defenses against harsh ultraviolet radiation while helping to regulate cellular function and maintain elasticity and suppleness in the skin

Chelated Mineral (2 AM/2 PM)—Contains essential minerals that play a crucial role in skin integrity, including magnesium, and copper and zinc, which helps to develop elastin, the fibers that work with collagen to support skin structure from underneath

Mega Antioxidant (2 AM/2 PM)—Contains various vitamins and antioxidants that are essential for the integrity of healthy skin, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, biotin, and beta carotene

Procosa® II (AM)—Research suggests that glucosamine compounds may have several beneficial effects on skin or skin cells, including improved skin hydration and decreased wrinkles

Proflavanol® 180 (AM)—Neutralizes reactive oxygen species found in and on the skin while stimulating the renewal of vibrant, rugged, perfectly coiled collagen strands to support the skin’s integrity for a more youthful appearance

Visionex® DS (AM/PM)—Not only helps to maintain long-term eye health, but also contains lutein, which supports physiological mechanisms to maintain or restore a healthy skin barrier

AO Booster™ (PM)—Turmeric extract, rosemary extract, resveratrol, and green-tea extract all add to the antioxidant cocktail that is so vital to healthy skin appearance, making them an important defense over a large spectrum of toxins found in the environment

CoQuinone® 100 (PM)—Contains CoEnzyme Q10, which works with other antioxidants to help defend skin from visible effects of photo aging, plus alpha lipoic acid, which promotes healthy cells by providing antioxidant defense against damage caused by sun or pollution