Sunday, December 26, 2010

Some Advice to Help You Do the Weight Loss the Right Way

Approximately 61 percent of adults make New Year's resolutions, but only nine percent keep them for a whole year and nearly 29 percent only keep them for a week. If you fall into the group that promised to lose weight but already stopped trying, don't give up hope. Here's some advice to help you do it right.

Just a short time ago, many people made a resolution to lose weight. Unfortunately, many have already made weight loss mistakes.

Nutritionist Georgia Kostas says, "To lose weight in the New Year, a lot of people go wrong by expecting too much and trying to cut out too much food. Secondly, people skip meals. They think if they go without they'll do better."

Instead, nutritionists say focus on fruits and vegetables. They're nutritious, low in calories and will help fill you up so you don't eat junk.

Don't just worry about what the scale says. There's another number that matters even more -- body mass index. "It's not so important what we weigh. What's important is the ratio of muscle to fat. The more muscle we have, the faster our metabolism is," says George.

This equation will help you figure out your body mass index. Multiply your weight in pounds by 703. Then, divide that number by your height in inches squared. A woman's body mass should range from 19.1 to 25.8, and for men that number should fall between 20.7 and 26.4. Anything outside of this range is considered unhealthy and steps should be taken to gain or lose weight.

Carla Sottovia, M.A., is an exercise physiologist. "The more muscle you have, you increase your bone density. So, later on you won't have the hunchback and osteoporosis problem," she says.

A complete exercise program will include strength training at least twice a week and cardiovascular training for a half-hour at least three to four times a week.

Remember to be patient. You may not see any results for eight to 12 weeks. You didn't gain it overnight. So don't expect to lose it overnight. Of course, before starting any diet or exercise program, be sure to check with your doctor.

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