When you’re overwhelmed with mental burdens, tell your mind to take a walk with these tips for conjuring clarity:
Capitalize on companionship. Walking with a partner not only musters motivation, it can strengthen intellect. A healthy dialogue intrigues the thought processes and engages the wit, polishing your cognitive performance and dexterity.
See your vision. Experts tout the goal-conquering benefits of visualization. As you walk, picture yourself increasing your speed or distance. Or spawn creativity by inventing stories about your surroundings or people you encounter. This bolsters brainwaves while distracting from the doldrums and physical fatigue.
Inhale enlightenment. As your body pumps oxygen into your bloodstream, your brain beckons for more. A walk injects a revitalizing rush of nutrients and compounds that clear the conscience and activate cellular growth. As you breathe in, imagine cleansing your mind with vigor and sustenance, expelling cobwebs with every exhale.
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