If your exercise routine was confined to the living room or gym during winter, now is the perfect time to step up your physical activity and get outdoors:
Walking and running. Simple and effective, walking is a good exercise choice for almost everyone. If you prefer a little speed, try running. You can also walk and run in intervals.
Biking. Most neighborhoods have biking trails just waiting to be explored.
Joining team sports. Softball, baseball, and beach volleyball teams are starting to form this time of year. Be sure to practice and improve your skills while you’re waiting for the season to start.
Playing golf. It’s time to dust off the clubs — just be sure to walk the links so you get the most out of this activity.
A daily dose of sunshine can do wonders for your mood (not to mention health — sunshine is your best source of vitamin D). Be sure to wear sun protection when exercising outdoors, even when the weather is cool. And while you’re stepping out to enjoy the weather, do some spring cleaning with your workout habits.
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