Tuesday, February 23, 2010


People lost more weight when they added soy to their calorie-controlled diets than they added other protein-rich foods, like beef or whey powders.

It could be soy’s protein, since protein is much more filling than either fat or carbs. Also the protein in soy is lean, which is far superior to the greasy protein in most red meats.

What sets soy apart form other protein-rich foods, however, is that soy also has phytoestrogens, compounds that help burn body fat. The combination of protein and phytoesrogens is super powerful for weight loss, since it helps satisfy you on fewer calories and boosts metabolism. Soy also curbs elevated blood sugar and reduces blood cholesterol and insulin levels.

Beyond weight loss, soy has superpowers in boosting memory. It might be because of the phytoestrogens, or maybe it is the antioxidants in soy that protect the brain and possibly improve mood. People who eat soy-based foods (not supplements) show less damaging effects on brain tissue during stress, and their brains stay youthful even into their later years, which means better memory and thinking ability. And it’s never too late. Memory improves at all stages of life, even into your seventies or beyond, when soy is included regularly in the diet.

How much? 25 grams of soy protein a day, or the equivalent of three glasses of soy milk.

Eat more: Use soymilk to replace milk in meals and recipes, especially brands that are fortified with the omega-3 fat DHA. Sprinkle edemame (green soybeans) in salads and side dishes. Substitute mashed tofu for ricotta cheese in recipes or add to egg dishes. Snack on dry-roasted soy nuts. Or try any of the delicious recipes with soy.

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