Monday, February 15, 2010

Take SAMe

SAMe (pronounced “Sammy”) is a form of the amino acid methionine that occurs naturally in the body and is used for many essential functions, including stabilizing moods by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters; as a result, it may affect moods and emotions. In nine studies, SAMe compared favorably with antidepressant drugs, including imipramine, amitryptaline, and clomipramine. Some researchers have found that SAMe supplementation has improved mood disorders, without the side effecs of other antidepressants (such as weight gain, headaches, sleep disturbances, and sexual dysfunction). And, SAMe works faster than some prescription antidepressants, often in four to ten days compared with two to six weeks for drugs. Also, it’s much easier to exercise and make healthy food choices that boost our metabolism when we are feeling healthy and happy!

Note: SAMe is not recommended for pregnant women during their first trimester or for women who are brestfeeding.

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